Two dogs at the park, representing Brand Consultat for Pet

Your Pet Business Could Benefit from a Brand Consultant

One of the most important things you can do for your pet business is establishing a strong brand and message. Here are 5 signs you should hire a brand strategist.

The pets your business works with may be the cutest things on the internet. But, there’s a big difference between having a photo of a dog go viral, and expanding your business’ sales numbers. If your brand has been struggling to get on its feet, it might be time to call a brand consultant. This professional knows how to build a strong foundation for your business using a mix of creative and analytical tools. Not sure if you need one or not? Here are five signs your pet business needs brand consulting.

You Don’t Have a Pitch

Every strong business owner has a solid pitch. A pitch takes all the ins and outs of a brand and products and turns it into a quick, engaging overview. Pitches are either for in-person networking events or a few lines of content online. Either way, they are short and simple, yet powerful. Sounds like a lot, right? Not with the help of a brand consultant. This person can help you take the big picture of your business and turn it into something that is easy for anyone to remember.

You’re Not Being Social

Another valuable resource in your branding toolbox is social media. People love seeing cute pictures of pets online, but they might not realize you’re actually trying to sell them a service. Brand consulting can help turn your followers into customers. Consultants know how to analyze social data and identify what the best next steps are. They can tell you whether to lay off Instagram and focus on Facebook, or maybe the other way around. Wherever you focus your efforts, though, you can trust your brand presence will grow. Once traffic builds, the objective is to have strong brand loyalty, and then conversions.

You’re Not Consistent

One of the worst things you can do when branding online is to confuse your consumers. Yet, many pet businesses make this mistake when they fail to be consistent. It should feel natural for a user to go from seeing your social media account to browsing your website. Brand colors and messaging should be the same. Your logo should be somewhere in your email blasts. Try to stick to a handful of powerful keywords, too.

You’re Losing Customers

Did your pet business start as a huge success, only to have sales trail off? A brand consultant can help you figure out why you stopped growing. He or she knows how to understand trends in data that you might have missed. This person will go through industry trends, competitors, and audience behavior to close the gap between strong products and good sales.

Your Target Audience Isn’t Engaged

As a consultant dives through all this data, they might find one important solution: Your target audience is wrong. Many business owners start a company with a rough idea of who they think their customer is. But, they may not have the numbers to back it up. Instead, they’ve created a target audience based on a hunch. This creates problems from the very beginning, as you might have noticed in your numbers. Thankfully, brand consulting can help put you right on target.

Meet Your New Brand Consultant

Ready to turn your pet business into a successful brand? Stop guessing and checking and start building strategies your consumers (and conversions) will appreciate. A brand consultant can walk you through this process, you just have to reach out! Contact us today to discover the opportunities your brand has been missing.

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