Blog: Unleashing Brand Rebellion

Dive into the radical side of branding, marketing, and strategy curated specifically for the fearless 1-3 person service-based businesses. Gear up, it’s time to up your game.

Logo Design: How to make your corporate logo look stunning

Logo Design: How to make your corporate logo look stunning

Photo by Roman Pohorecki from Pexels Logos of any kind are important pieces of branding. But corporate logos carry the weight of a large company, which means they’ll be more fully utilized, more commonly seen, and more closely scrutinized for...

Social Media – You say Tweet, I say Blog

Social Media – You say Tweet, I say Blog

Is a blog considered “social media”?  We answer that question and a whole lot more. When most people talk “social media”, I’ve noticed that it usually revolves around Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or FourSquare.  I’ve even...

Cover photo guidelines for your Facebook timeline

Cover photo guidelines for your Facebook timeline

LAST UPDATED 2.28.19 As of January 2019, according to Facebook, your cover photo displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones. Beyond the size of the photo, there are also some restrictions that...

How To Charge More For Your Coaching Services

How To Charge More For Your Coaching Services

Do you ever feel like you’re just not being paid enough for the amazing service you provide? Are you putting in hours of effort with each client but not getting much in return?  Knowing exactly how much to charge as a business coach is one of the more difficult...

How to promote an online course for the holidays

How to promote an online course for the holidays

The holiday season is upon us! Jingles are in the air, it's cold outside, and everything is just a little more magical - don't you think? What are you buying your loved ones this year? Maybe a nice new watch or a pair of gorgeous earrings! But not everyone is into...

How To Automate Your Coaching Business in 5 Easy Steps

How To Automate Your Coaching Business in 5 Easy Steps

Automation is incredibly beneficial to business owners: it can make your day-to-day work life so much easier, all while improving your profit margins and reaching more clients. But automation is really underused in most small businesses: only 31% of companies have...

Instagram for business: how to get started

Instagram for business: how to get started

With roughly one billion active users on Instagram, the media-heavy social platform is one of the most popular in the world.  Instagram is one of the best places to gain awareness about your business, with 81% of people using Instagram daily to find out more...

Can you run a business on social media?

Can you run a business on social media?

Technically, yes. But should you? Just in case you live under a rock, both Facebook and Instagram went down in early October 2021 - leaving more than 3.5 billion people around the world stuck trying to communicate with friends and family… and thousands of small...

7 Lead Magnet Ideas For Small Businesses

7 Lead Magnet Ideas For Small Businesses

Getting the attention you want online can be a real challenge. Everybody’s fighting for attention and everybody’s competing for more customers.  With the number of people rushing online to do business, especially thanks to Covid, the online market is even more...

How To Increase Website Traffic With Pinterest

How To Increase Website Traffic With Pinterest

Are you on a journey to get more website traffic for your company? Chances are, you’ve already read a bunch of blogs and articles on the best ways to increase your website traffic. You’ve probably invested a whole load of time (and money) into SEO, content marketing,...

How To Repurpose Content For Social Media

How To Repurpose Content For Social Media

Crafting the perfect content for social media usually takes a lot of time, effort, and skill.  Think about it for a moment.  To create social media content your customers will enjoy you have to do research, design graphics, get images, write the posts, or...

2021 Summer Social Media Sabbatical

2021 Summer Social Media Sabbatical

Taking a social media detox or break might just be what your business and life need. That's what I'm betting on as I start (June 1, 2021) on mine. Social media is a great tool, so I'm not here to bash it and tell you that it's evil and to never use it. There can be a...

How to create a cohesive brand for a small business

How to create a cohesive brand for a small business

It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or you've been in the game for a long time; building a strong, cohesive brand is one of the best things you can do for your business. A brand isn't just the colors you choose for your website or the style of your logo,...

Is LinkedIn Good For Small Businesses?

Is LinkedIn Good For Small Businesses?

When we think about social media, our minds immediately go to the most prominent (and fun) players on the field. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all big shots when it comes to any social media strategy for small businesses, but what about the black sheep of small...

How to increase online visibility: A step-by-step guide

How to increase online visibility: A step-by-step guide

So you want to increase online visibility, but you are lost on where to begin. Are you interested in positioning your business for online growth? Our in-depth guide will answer the following: 1: What is online visibility? 2: What is brand visibility? 3: Why is online...

2020 Pet Industry Trends You Need To Know About

2020 Pet Industry Trends You Need To Know About

Well, we’re five months into 2020 and what a year it’s been already. With the virus-that-will-not-be-named causing businesses to temporarily close their doors, there’s been a huge uptake in new technology for the veterinary industry. Check out the new pet industry...

How to Build Trust and Brand Advocacy Online as a Veterinarian

How to Build Trust and Brand Advocacy Online as a Veterinarian

As the owner of a veterinary clinic, you likely consider yourself to be an advocate of sorts for your furry patients, as well as their owners. But are you aware that your advocacy should extend beyond your physical office? The Internet has changed the marketing...

How to get more veterinary clients? Branding.

How to get more veterinary clients? Branding.

As the owner of a veterinary clinic, I’m sure you already know how to make your patients feel better and give their owners all the information and advice they need to give their pet a long, healthy life. But do you know how to get more veterinary clients?  Are...

How to Make Your Pet Business Pop

How to Make Your Pet Business Pop

The pet business industry accounted for nearly 70 billion dollars last year in the U.S. alone. And this trend of spoiling our furry friends is only going to continue. That’s great news if you’re in the industry. Opportunity is everywhere! But with opportunity comes...

Make Your Pet Business Explode On Instagram

Make Your Pet Business Explode On Instagram

Having and running a business these days takes a lot of technological savviness, and social media accounts are no exception. If you have a pet business, you know that having a strong social media presence can be extremely beneficial when it comes to finding and...