How your small business can benefit from using pinterest

Wondering if your small business already has enough social media exposure with Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn? Well, you may be missing a key player in the social media sphere – Pinterest.

With over 463 million active users as of 2023, the majority of whom are women aged 18-35, Pinterest has firmly established itself in the social media landscape. If you haven’t considered leveraging Pinterest for your business, here’s why you might want to rethink.

Captivate Your Audience and Boost Visibility

Pinterest is an exceptional platform for getting your business noticed, particularly if your target demographic is women. Remember, women are often the primary decision-makers in households and hold substantial influence over purchasing and budgeting.

For product-based businesses like retail or e-commerce, adding price tags to your product images can boost engagement. With 85% of Pinterest users accessing the platform through mobile devices, you can effectively reach your audience even when they’re on the move.

Unleash the Power of Visual Search

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Pinterest acts as a visual search engine. Users are actively looking for ideas and products to purchase, ranging from physical items to digital services.

While SEO for Google remains important, Pinterest provides a less competitive environment, often offering faster traction in terms of visibility and engagement.

Build Authentic Connections

Pinterest enables businesses to foster deeper relationships with their audience. By promptly responding to comments and addressing questions, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Businesses like Target have significantly enhanced their customer loyalty by never leaving a comment unanswered.

Express Your Brand’s Values and Interests

Your Pinterest boards can reflect the values and interests of your business. The key is to pin content that resonates with your target audience – it’s about engagement, not hard selling.

Diversify your board to include content that might interest your audience, even if it’s not directly related to what you sell. This helps show a more personable side to your brand, potentially leading to increased pins, exposure, and eventually, more customers.

Keep an Eye on the Competition

Your Pinterest board can also serve as a tool to monitor your competition. Understanding what they’re pinning, what’s being repinned from their boards, and trends among their followers can help inform your Pinterest strategy.

Measure and Optimize Your Performance

Pinterest offers a range of tools for tracking pins and their performance. By understanding what catches your audience’s attention, you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Also, consider integrating a “Pin It” button on your website to encourage visitors to share your content on their Pinterest boards.

Paid Advertising on Pinterest

Pinterest offers various options for paid advertising, including Promoted Pins, Shopping Ads, and Carousel Ads. These options can boost visibility and drive more traffic to your business.

Story Pins

Launched in 2020 , Story Pins provide a unique way to share multi-page content, including photos, videos, and text, allowing you to tell a captivating story or offer a detailed walkthrough of a project, recipe, or product range. A single Story Pin can contain up to 20 pages, and unlike similar features on other platforms, they do not disappear after 24 hours But they are only available to Business Accounts!

Recent studies show that self-created Story Pins get 41x more saves than static image pins, indicating high engagement levels.

Pinterest Trends

Pinterest Trends is a powerful tool that provides a historical view of top search terms across various regions and countries. It allows businesses to see when people start searching for specific keywords, helping you identify the optimal time to pin relevant content. This insight can greatly inform your content planning, ensuring you’re creating and sharing content that resonates with current user interests.

Additionally, by understanding what’s trending among your specific audience, you can tailor your pins to match their preferences, ultimately driving more engagement and potentially attracting new followers. It’s like having a pulse on the collective mind of Pinterest users, empowering you to curate a Pinterest presence that’s always in tune with trending topics and interests.

Is Pinterest Right for Your Business?

Pinterest offers many advantages, but it’s important to ensure that the platform aligns with your business goals and target audience. Before jumping in, understand who your audience is and whether Pinterest is a platform they frequent. Once you’re clear on this, develop a strategy for content, posting frequency, and methods for driving traffic back to your website.

Still not sure?

If you’re uncertain about whether Pinterest is the right move for your business, our signature BRANDSMASH might be just what you need. We’ll help you carve out your unique positioning and identify your ideal customer base – including where they hang out online. Ready to connect with your audience in a meaningful way?

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